Eeventide has come to be known as a planet living in and of itself. It's constantly
moving, rapidly changing it's landscapes, and even evolving. Some even say the planet has a
will of its own, and despite it's need to always be in conflict and struggle, Eeventide will take
measures to protect itself when necessary. Several guilds have been established as people take
the Exodus from Earth to this new world, and new Guilds will arise as Drifters continue to
debate Eeventide's stability and whether it's safe to call this land a home. Each of the Guilds
specialize in different creature types, and use these creatures forged from the glistening skies of
Eeventide to fight at their side. The standing Guilds extend their invitations to you, and you alone
must decide which of these Guilds you'll call your own or if you'll drift the treacherous lands of this
planet alone.
Your journey as a Drifter begins.







Solo Drifter

The angelic Guild of Skyborn
was one of the first two Guilds
to form on Eeventide. This
organization of Drifters
remains vigilant in buffing
creatures and forging new Angels in
face of Eeventide's destructive nature.
Skyriss Delcastle, Skyborn Guild's 19 year-
old leader, rose to prominence due to her
uncanny wisdom and confident resolve. Her
Guild recognizes that this new planet is in a state
of constant conflict, yet believes that they can still
have a stable home here.

Hal Sinogard, Dragonis' glowing-
eyed leader rules loosely from afar.
Guild members are spread far across
Eeventide's different landscapes,
resulting in unpredictable assaults of
Dragon fire. Dragonis' mission statement
remains unclear, as they don't communicate
frequently or clearly with the other Guilds.
Even within its own castle walls, plans are
secretive and members are left to do as
they choose.

Victoria, along with 3 other
Drifters who collectively
made up the Council of
Skyborn, have left and
started a new Guild
with the goal of harnessing
Eeventide's abilities for themselves.
The Order believes that their motives and
interests are unified with Eeventide's will,
but other Drifters have often questioned
their true intentions. The Order extends an
invitation to all who will further their cause in
establishing eternal Order.

Unlike other Drifters,
Oliver Rose brings with him
the knowledge and expereince
of a third dimension apart from
Earth and Eeventide. With a
rose emerging from his neck, he
boldly calls Drifters to uproot the
ever-spreading ice and to keep Eeventide
from being relieved of its natural beauty.
Treefolk, Mushfolk, and all manner of firefly-
lit forests are the signature of this Guild.

Amidst all the chaos and
disagreements between Guilds,
Shardveil has stepped in to
attempt to bring peace to the
planet by covering it in a
permanent layer of ice! Its
leader Crystallus has orchestrated
the completion of an amethyst citadel
along one of Eeventide's frozen shores.
With a massive shard of ice impaling him,
Crystallus, of all people, understands the nature of
the paradoxical planet on which they reside.

"Living shadows called Chronos
have emerged on Eeventide from a wasteland known as "The Dimension That Disappeared" — a severed realm where the windswept land is
eroded in a single direction. As Eeventide's portals become further fragmented,
new dimensional rifts open up, allowing hoards of Chronos to enter & infect
the world with their smoke. Drifters who attempt to control these creatures
find that the very opposite occurs…before their descent into madness.

The brave minority ventures out into
the uncertainty of Eeventide without
the the protection and collective
knowledge of a Guild. They say that
without the restraints that come
with Guild membership, solo
Drifters craft their own decks
and freely mix any of the
creature types as they wish. Some will
often Guild-hop in order to keep
informed on Guild activities, but never
stay long enough to climb the ranks.