Season 1 of Organized Play Coming to a Close
The 1st Season of
Exodus TCG Organized Play is almost over—and it has been absolutely amazing. But it's not quite finished yet; this is a reminder to participate in your friendly local
Exodus tournaments and drafts this weekend to get those final points! We encourage all Organizers to promptly submit their events as soon as possible. We will be contacting players directly via e-mail this coming week to formally invite them to the 2018 World Championship which will be held July 20th & 21st. If you do not hear from us by Wednesday, July 4 and feel that you should have received an invite, please
contact us.
Anyone who receives an invitation to Worlds must RSVP no later than July 15th to reserve their spot.
If you receive an invite but are unable to attend, we understand and will mail out your Season 1 reward. Tons of additional exclusive prizes and trophies will be at stake at the World Championship, so be sure to let us know one way or another if you will be there. Remember, specators are always welcome, so feel free to bring along friends or family!

Ranking News
Events are checked at least once every day and Rankings are updated several times per week. Congratulations to our current Top 10 players:
1st: Alecks H.
2nd: Dave S.
3rd: Zach C.
4th: Luke C.
5th: Alex P.
6th: Kristopher H.
7th: Russell M.
8th: Miguel A.
9th: Victor M.
10th: Daniel L.
The 2018 World Championship will be open to the Top 24 players. You can receive an invitation to compete even if you aren't on the Top 10. Check your Player Profile page often to keep an eye on your Season Rank. Get out there, Drifters—play your best, rack up those points, and most importantly have fun!
Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Stay tuned for the Rules & Regulations announcement which will cover guidelines, conduct, infractions, penalties and other important information to know before the World Championship.
— Exodus TCG Organized Play Team
Existence Games