Rules & Regulations
Hi Folks,
Your friendly fast-talking judge here. I wanted to do a quick write up on the general procedure of the Regulations at Worlds. To start off, all players will be submitting a deck list upon check-in on Day 1. Decks will then be stored and checked by myself as well as Jake and Lexi in a secure location to be redistributed upon the start of Round 1 once all players are seated.
To give a quick tournament structure recap, there will be 4 rounds of modified Swiss for Day 1. Matches will be best 2 out of 3 with both players re-rolling the dice roll in between games to determine who goes first/second. Each round will be 50 minutes with decks being recollected in between rounds for random deck checks. Once Day 1 is concluded, the Top 8 players will be announced for Day 2 along with the bracket for the single elimination rounds.
For Day 2, players will be submitting new deck lists. Players are allowed to edit their decks freely before submitting their updated Day 2 deck lists. During the single elimination rounds, the time limit will be extended to 70 minutes per round. The bracket will be updated each round to reflect the next round's pairings.
For logistical purposes, playmats will be provided and each player will be expected to use the mats during their games. While official Exodus TCG life counters will be provided, it is in players' best interest to use pen and paper to record both their and their opponent's Life Point totals during games. Pen and paper will be the most accurate and traceable method for keeping a record of Life Point changes should any discrepancies occur.
As this is a Level 3 event, players are also expected to clearly and carefully communicate their actions to their opponent and for players to follow the procedures outlined in the document provided.
—Andrew C.