Exodus TCG Worlds Recap — Part 1
The first Exodus World Championship is over—and history was made when the first girl was crowned World Champion…of any trading card game (ever!), at the topmost division and highest level of competition. But more on that later. The hype for (Set 4) Converging Chasms is real, so we’ll be taking a look at which decks rose to the very top at Worlds in preparation for the new competitive season now underway.
In attendance were the Top 14 best Exodus players from around the world. Spectators cheered on these skilled Drifters who qualified over the course of the last year by either winning a Qualifier or maintaining a high score on Organized Play Rankings.
We at Existence Games are extremely proud of every person who made the list, and we were thrilled to host Worlds at the CMAC studio in Fresno, CA, USA where the event could be conveniently filmed. There’s still a ton of editing work to be done before the feature matches can be uploaded to the official Exodus TCG YouTube channel, but in the meantime let’s cover some highlights and see what went down!

Top 14 Players in Attendance (Alphabetical):
- Alecks H.
- Alex P.
- Dave S.
- Jonah B.
- Katie W.
- Kris H.
- Krystn L.
- Madison K.
- Miguel A.
- Rebecca Y.
- Russell M.
- Tom H.
- Victor M.
- Zach C.
Day 1:
Spirits were high and excitement abundant on Day 1 when players filed into the studio late morning where there was plenty of food and drinks available while decklists were filled out. Deck checks were conducted by Head Judge Andrew C. who flew out from New York to help judge the world tournament.
Deck Lists from Day 1:
Alecks H.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
2x Lantern Leaflore
1x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Crystal Cove
2x Vortex
2x Unsummon
2x Chains
2x Leech
2x Reversion
1x Invoke
Main Deck: 22 cards
Energy Deck: 40 cards
Alex P.
Carcery Symmetry
1x Carcery the Chemical Oddity
1x Venus Treetrap
1x Lightstruck Lebanon
2x Maelstrom
2x Drifter’s Dueling
2x Star Struggle
2x Treeforge Complex
2x Reevaluate
2x Chains
2x Leech
2x Crystal Cove
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Unsummon
2x Vortex
2x Invoke
Main Deck: 27 cards
Energy Deck: 25 cards
Dave S.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
2x Lantern Leaflore
2x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
2x Vortex
2x Reversion
2x Leech
2x Crystal Cove
2x Chains
2x Unsummon
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
Main Deck: 22 cards
Energy Deck: 27 cards
Jonah B.
Direct Damage Shardveil
2x Awakened Star Glacier
1x Chief Bandit
2x Cierice the Liquescent Icicle
2x Starship Galacia
2x Chains
2x Leech
1x Drifter’s Dueling
2x Reversion
2x Unsummon
2x Frostbitten Portal Cavern
2x Crystal Cove
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
Main Deck: 22 cards
Energy Deck: 20 cards
Katie W.
Angelic Freeze
1x Awakened Star Glacier
1x Chief Bandit
1x Cierice the Liquescent Icicle
2x Starbound Glacier
2x Lantern Leaflore
1x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
1x Alana the Star Formation
1x Efil the Everlasting Empress
2x Energize
2x Reversion
1x Leech
2x Chains
2x Vortex
1x Tethered to Eeventide
1x Beacon of Worlds
1x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
1x Crystallize
1x Crystal Cove
1x Crystal Corridor
1x Frostbitten Portal Cavern
Main Deck: 26 cards
Energy Deck: 45 cards
Kris H.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
2x Lantern Leaflore
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Unsummon
2x Crystal Cove
2x Leech
2x Reversion
2x Chains
2x Vortex
1x Invoke
Main Deck: 21 cards
Energy Deck: 30 cards
Krystn L.
Drangel / Common Flood
2x Drangel
2x Thundercoil Dragon
2x Bellflower Dragon
1x Clock Dragon
1x Darcrest Dragon
1x Slither Drake
1x Density Dragon
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Everdrift Islands
2x Guild Warfare
2x Chains
2x Leech
2x Unsummon
2x Reversion
1x Energize
1x Endowment
Main Deck: 26 cards
Energy Deck: 35 cards
Madison K.
Drangel / Common Flood
2x Drangel
2x Clock Dragon
2x Slither Drake
2x Bedragoth
1x Calligraphy Inkveil
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
1x Guild Warfare
2x Chains
2x Crystal Cove
2x Everdrift Islands
2x Leech
2x Unsummon
2x Vortex
1x Invoke
Main Deck: 25 cards
Energy Deck: 29 cards
Miguel A.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
1x Lantern Leaflore
2x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
1x Cosmic Shield Archangel
1x Crystal Cove
1x Vortex
2x Leech
2x Reversion
1x Beacon of Worlds
1x Endowment
1x Chains
2x Unsummon
2x Cataclysm
1x Invoke
1x Crystallize
Main Deck: 23 cards
Energy Deck: 25 cards
Rebecca Y.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
2x Lantern Leaflore
1x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
1x Crystal Cove
2x Vortex
2x Unsummon
2x Reversion
2x Chains
2x Leech
1x Invoke
Main Deck: 21 cards
Energy Deck: 41 cards
Russell M.
Angel Beatdown
2x Alana the Star Formation
2x Emberia, Bringer of Infernos
1x Lantern Leaflore
2x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
1x Princess of Blades
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Crystal Cove
2x Chains
2x Cataclysm
2x Reversion
2x Leech
2x Unsummon
1x Vortex
1x Invoke
1x Apparition Grove
Main Deck: 25 cards
Energy Deck: 25 cards
Tom H.
The Order
2x Endelmore, Bringer of Victory
2x Victory, Keeper of the Order
1x Cosmic Shield Archangel
2x Legendary Blade Luhzarus
1x Council of Galaxies
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
2x Crystal Cove
2x Chains
2x Energize
2x Reversion
2x Leech
2x Unsummon
2x Vortex
2x Guild Warfare
2x Crystallize
Main Deck: 28 cards
Energy Deck: 40 cards
Victor M.
OTK Cierice
2x Awakened Star Glacier
1x Chief Bandit
2x Cierice the Liquescent Icicle
2x Starship Galacia
1x Efil the Everlasting Empress
2x Chains
2x Leech
2x Drifter’s Dueling
2x Reversion
2x Crystal Cove
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
Main Deck: 20 cards
Energy Deck: 30 cards
Zach C.
Frosty Full Salvo
2x Awakened Star Glacier
2x Chief Bandit
2x Cierice the Liquescent Icicle
2x Starship Galacia
2x Chains
2x Leech
2x Vortex
2x Crystal Cove
2x Cryocrest Crags
1x Invoke
1x Unsummon
1x Shard Lighthouse
2x Glimpse of the Sanctuary
Main Deck: 23 cards
Energy Deck: 30 cards
3 rounds occurred on Day 1; matches were played best 2-of-3 limited to 45 minutes per round. Several matches that went on to game 3 cut it extremely close with one even coming down to less than 15 seconds on the clock! Thankfully, none had to go to time.
Angels were popular as expected, but even those decks differed greatly at times in their lists. Several players were running Shardfolk, either mixing them into their list or playing pure freeze. One player was running the Order, while two others went for energy ramp & rare takedown with Drangel in their Common Flood decks. Treefolk were represented by the player who originally made the All-Symmetry deck popular, although his deck was still mostly all symmetry.

It was Alex P.’s birthday, so we brought in dessert especially for the occasion. We’re honored that he chose to celebrate with us at Worlds this year! Also of note, 2 of the 14 competitors were members of Team Norse Thunder, the world’s first (and now officially recognized) competitive Exodus TCG team. Forming a team can be a strategic and economical way to approach preparing for and tackling the competitive season. Pooling resources and helping one another practice makes for a brilliant opportunity to help you and your teammates qualify for Worlds together. Well done, Team Norse Thunder, and as a word of encouragement: we definitely hope to see more teams out there next year!
Stay tuned for Part 2 where we look at each round and highlights from some of the matches!
— Exodus TCG Organized Play Team
Existence Games